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Combat information container (CIC).

DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply has over 40 years experience as a civilian-military contractor, providing both stationary and mobile solutions for military applications throughout the world. Over the years, we have also delivered several different custom-built combat information containers, designed for various uses.

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Combat information container (CIC)
Combat information container (CIC)
Combat information container (CIC)

The combat information container is a custom-built, developed, designed and optimised solution for specific use in military operations and missions. It can be used advantageously as an advanced forward mobile unit, and if needed the container can be delivered with ballistic protection panelling, offering protection up to mortar grenade level. The container-based custom solution offers as standard – a radiation-free working environment that is shielded and protected against monitoring, radio signals, radiation, hacking of IT equipment, radar or other communications. Furthermore, the unit is easily transported between different locations on either truck, train, ship or onboard aircraft.

At its core, DC-Supply A/S consists of a strong, dedicated team of engineers, building technicians, draughtsmen, smiths, carpenters, and administrative workers. All working in unison as a group out of our own production workshop. Together – we deliver a very high level of technical know-how, superior workmanship, and pride ourselves in having a unique customer service. We set high standards for quality management and meet quality certification ISO 9001:2015. Each and everyone of our units come with subsequent follow-up and service, and our dedicated employees are always ready to fulfil your requirements. No matter the skills needed – we deliver.

Information and references regarding the combat information container (CIC) are available upon further request.

Other military containers from DC-Supply A/S:

Radar information container (RIC)

Radar information container (RIC)

The radar information container offers a radiation-free working environment, and can be delivered with ballistic protection up to mortar grenade level.


Contact us - we are read to help.
Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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