
DC-Supply A/S
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You are here: Home 5 Military 5 Communications centre for the Army Command Support School in Fredericia

Communications centre.

The army’s Command Support School in Fredericia, where sergeants and lieutenants are trained, was in need of enhanced communication facilities.

We are ready to help - call our sales team:
+45 70231380

Mobile command centre in custom-built container


Som en del af uddannelsen lærer man at kommunikere med udsendte styrker. I den forbindelse havde man behov for nye faciliteter, der let ville kunne medbringes på opgaver rundt om i hele verden.

DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply leverede et komplet og mobilt kommunikationshovedkvarter, som kunne anvendes i bl.a. undervisningssammenhæng til kommunikation med udsendte styrker.

Kommunikationscontaineren var en specialbygget 3-i-1-container, som man havde optimeret og udviklet til være et stort og fleksibelt arbejdsrum. Kommunikationscenteret bestod af 32 stk. 20 fods sammenbyggede containere – og udgjorde således en lille, mobil ’landsby’.

Containerløsningen var robust og konstrueret til at kunne holde til mange års brug. Samtidig var den særdeles praktisk og kunne hurtigt og let opstilles efter behov.

Other military containers from DC-Supply A/S:

Radar information container (RIC)

Radar information container (RIC)

The radar information container offers a radiation-free working environment, and can be delivered with ballistic protection up to mortar grenade level.

Combat information container (CIC)

Combat information container (CIC)

The combat information container is a custom-built, developed, designed and optimized solution for specific use in military operations and missions. It can be used advantageously as an advanced forward mobile unit.


Contact us - we are read to help.
Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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