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Containers for Greenland, Faroe Islands and ROW.

For many years, DC-Supply A/S – Danis Container Supply has specialised in the delivery of custom-built container solutions for both Greenland and the Faroe Islands as well as the rest of the world.
Whether the solution is to be delivered next to the Polar circle or close to the equator. We have the extensive experience and know how to solve the supply- and drainage challenges that invariably arise, when containers are installed in either deserted environments or when any connection to existing power grids is unavailable.
We are ready to help - call our sales team:
+45 70231380

Containers world wide from DC-Supply A/S:

Oil Drilling in Uganda

Oil Drilling in Uganda

Oil drilling in Uganda takes place in remote areas where residential facilities are lacking. For several years, Mineral Services has collaborated with DC-Supply for the supply of equipment for local residential camps.

Changing Room Container with Cladding

Changing Room Container with Cladding

In connection with salmon rearing on the Faroe Islands, DC-Supply designed and produced four interconnected 20ft changing room containers with cladding.

Mobile workshop container

Mobile workshop container

40-ft insulated mobile workshop container: DC-Supply A/S supplies a mobile workshop in a custom-built container.

Mobile toilet container

Mobile toilet container

Permagreen needed toilet facilities for their construction projects in Greenland. It had to be a practical mobile solution that was also designed to withstand Greenland’s temperature and weather conditions.

Generator container

Generator container

DC-Supply A/S delivered eight custom-built 20ft containers, which had been prepared for the installation of P.M. Energi A/S generator sets.

8 ft technical container for insulated storage

8 ft technical container for insulated storage

The customer had problems finding a customized solution for their communication equipment. The unit had to be transported from Denmark to Greenland in a safe and responsible manner. The dimensions and the weight had to be kept at a level, making it possible to carry it up a mountain.

Mobile Residential rooms in containers

Mobile Residential rooms in containers

DC-Supply’s task, was to provide a residential room with a so-called self-sufficient toilet. It should also be able to keep itself warm, even if the thermometer outside shows negative 45 degrees Celsius.

Housing Center in Nuuk

Housing Center in Nuuk

DC-Supply A/S delivers housing center in custom-built container solution to Nuuk, Greenland.

Request a quote for container solutions delivered in Greenland, Faroe Islands or ROW

Fast and efficient, hassle-free transport of containers to Greenland, the Faroe Islands and other countries is secured by using easily stackable modular solutions – these can be stacked together, not only under ship transport or at the final destination if space is limited – but also as in other cases, for freight items that are set up and first assembled on location. At DC-Supply A/S we tailor the production, transportation and delivery of containers abroad to not only the specific solution needed, but also both the location it will be delivered too – and the environment it will be installed into.

We offer containers to Greenland, Faroe Islands and other countries, be it in the form of production containers, accommodation, crew or housing containers of any kind. No matter if the thermometer shows -50 or +50 degrees, we can and will customise the solution to meet the weather conditions, so that both work and accommodation take place in a safe comfortable environment. Of course, for solutions abroad – we offer the option of either a permanent or mobile setup solution.

No matter where – let our experienced expert staff help you with your next custom built container solution – be it to be used in Denmark, Greenland or the Faroe Islands – or somewhere else in the world!

FAQ about containers for Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the rest of the world

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    What options are available for container solutions for Greenland, the Faroe Islands or the rest of the world?

    It is very important to take local conditions into account when a container solution is destined for use abroad. This is especially true if the container is to be either connected to an existing supply or mains source – and even if there is no access to an external connection at all. Underlying ground conditions are also an important factor. DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply, has many years of experience and the know-how needed to solve these and many other challenges – If a custom-built container solution is to be delivered to the very far north or somewhere in the southern hemisphere. Our specialised containers are fully operational from +60° C down to -51° C.

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    Can I have a custom-built container solution delivered abroad directly from you?

    Yes! When you choose a custom-built container solution from DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply, we are happy to deliver it anywhere in the world. We also offer help with setup and installation. Contact us by phone +45 70231380 or e-mail info@dc-supply.dk for further information about the delivery of container solutions abroad.

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    Do you offer both permanent and mobile container solutions abroad?

    Yes, we do. DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply, offers all types of containers delivered to Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the rest of the world. This also applies to both permanent and mobile solutions. No matter where in the world your next custom-built container solution is to be used, our experienced staff is waiting, ready to help you. Contact us at +45 70231380, info@dc-supply.dk or here:


Contact us - we are read to help.

Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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