
DC-Supply A/S
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Container bars.

Bar containers

DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply designs and builds many different custom container solutions for various events and gatherings, with container bars being one of many popular solutions. We have built custom mobile container bar solutions with roof terraces and hydraulic side openings – your imagination is really the only limit regarding equipment setup and interior design.

For example, a solution can be equipped with a sink, a complete draft beer system, a flat screen, seating and external awning – thus enabling you to welcome and serve your guests at the bar with complete ease and style At DC-Supply A/S, you can buy custom container solutions that we build to your specific need and demand – alternatively, you can rent our own container bar for specific events such as an anniversary, customer event or similar.

We are ready to help - call our sales team:
+45 70231380

Custom-built container bars from DC-Supply A/S:

Rent a container bar

Rent a container bar

In-house production at our own workshop: DC-Supply has produced a new container bar. You can rent it for special occasions such as an anniversary, reception, trade fair, customer event and the like.

Container bars for Aalborg Carnival

Container bars for Aalborg Carnival

For the big party at Kildeparken in Aalborg, DC-Supply has a delivered custom built container bars ready to dispense cold drinks to the party goers.

Get ready for this years festivals and events with a Hydraulic Container

Hydraulic Container

A hydraulic container solution from DC-Supply A/S could be your next sales container.

Mobile container bars built to spec


If you would like your exhibition to stand out from the crowd, or perhaps your company needs a cosy setting for customer get-togethers, courses or other types of events, a custom built container bar from DC-Supply A/S could be exactly what you are looking for.

Collaborating with you, DC-Supply will map all your usage needs. Based on this, and with our expertise, experience, excellent ideas and input from you, we then plan out and supply you with a detailed, well thought out solution, specific to your needs.

With us, you also have the option to visit your new container bar in virtual reality – where you can both experience your container solution in 3D, and also interact with the decor.

If you would like to know more about container bars from DC-Supply A/S, you are always welcome to contact our experienced staff. We’ll gladly help clarify and define your needs, furthermore giving advice and guidance on what we suggest, would be the best solution for your specific situation.

FAQ about container bars

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    Can I rent a container bar?

    Yes, at DC-Supply A/S we have several different container bars for rent. A container bar can e.g. be rented in connection with a special occasion, an anniversary or another major event. You can also rent a container bar for a trade show – and use it as your trade show exhibition stand. If space is tight, you can take a look at our cool and clever little 10-ft container bar for rent; you’re almost sure to find space for it in most places. If you want to know more about how you can rent a container bar from us, please contact our sales team on phone +45 70231380 or write to us at info@dc-supply.dk

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    How can a container bar be fitted?

    A container bar can be fitted and furnished exactly as required. It can e.g. be equipped with seating, a draft beer system and a large screen TV – if you need to serve food in the bar, a custom-built container bar can also be fitted with the necessary kitchen facilities. If you have specific wishes or requirements for the fitting and furnishing of your container bar, please contact our experienced sales team – here you will meet expert knowledge and know-how obtained from countless projects, which can contribute to your solution becoming simply the best. Catch us by phone +45 70231380 or write to us at info@dc-supply.dk

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    How much does a container bar cost?

    The price of a custom-built container bar varies according to the degree of – well, customisation. First of all, there is the size of the container, but also optional interior/exterior cladding, insulation as well as the interior decoration of the bar have an effect on how much the finished container bar costs. At DC-Supply A/S, you will meet an experienced team that is ready to deliver a cost-effective container solution that is based on your wishes and needs – and matches your budget too. Feel free to contact us today for a great offer on a container bar.

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    What sizes are container bars?

    Container bars come in all sizes. At DC-Supply A/S, we have built both small container bars based on 10-ft containers, just as we have built large 20-ft container bars, some even with a roof terrace. When we build any custom container solution, the size of the container is naturally taken into account – and we can adjust both the height and width of the container bar in our own workshop. If you want to know more about standard container sizes, you can find out more about container sizes and weight here.


Contact us - we are read to help.

Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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