Custom-made military container.
In close collaboration with the client, DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply has developed and produced a custom-made military container.
Custom-built camouflage container
DC-Supply A/S has developed and produced a custom-made military container in close collaboration with an undisclosed client.
The container is multi-fuctional and built to handle a variety of military-related tasks.
Other military containers from DC-Supply A/S:
Radar information container (RIC)
The radar information container offers a radiation-free working environment, and can be delivered with ballistic protection up to mortar grenade level.
Combat information container (CIC)
The combat information container is a custom-built, developed, designed and optimized solution for specific use in military operations and missions. It can be used advantageously as an advanced forward mobile unit.
Generator container for military applications and emergency use
Custom-built military containers that delivers a highly reliable power supply – and at the same time offers low maintenance costs.
Security container for military applications
Custom built robust security containers, ready to store ammunition, for weapon and / or spare part storage, as workshops etc.