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You are here: Home 5 Accommodation 5 Backstage Container for the Danish Royal Theatre

Backstage Container for the Danish Royal Theatre.

Particular challenges occur when the Danish Royal Theatre runs outdoor performances in the Dyrehaven north of Copenhagen every four years.

We are ready to help - call our sales team:
+45 70231380
Backstage containere set udefra
Backstage containere set udefra med trappe
Backstage containere set indefra

Backstage facilities for theater in custom  containers

Dyrehaven is a beautiful natural area, but when it comes to major theatre productions, the space is rather limited. When you add up everything that is needed (e.g. equipment, accessories, and extra facilities), the challenges are quite complicated.

A container solution proved to be ideal for backstage projects and significant events, such as the Danish Royal Theatre performances in Dyrehaven. DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container custom-built specially equipped containers for this particular purpose. The Royal Theatre got a container solution, which, in addition to meeting their very specific needs, increased safety against vandalism and theft, for example. At the same time, the solution was quick to set up and easy to put into use. Equally important was that the arrangement meant that the actors got the chance to relax and recharge in safe and comfortable surroundings.

When the Royal Theatre moves out into the countryside in Dyrehaven, DC-Supply is in charge of building a small “backstage city” of containers. In a single day, the idyllic park was transformed from nature to a complete theatre. Very few people probably thought about the fact that the actors prepared for their performance in a specially designed container.

Your contact person:

Jan Bager

Jan Bager

Sales Manager


T:  +45 96 32 64 04
M: +45 40 80 98 15

Other event containers from DC-Supply A/S:

Showroom container for rent

Showroom container for rent

Rent a showroom container from DC-Supply A/S. We offer this modern and stylish showroom container with LED lights for rent. Call for info +45 70231380.

40 ft showroom container for Wexøe

40 ft showroom container for Wexøe

DC-Supply A/S has delivered a custom-built 40 ft showroom container to Wexøe, where the solution will be used in connection with trade fairs and exhibitions, allowing visitors to enjoy inspiration for the latest installation solutions.


Contact us - we are read to help.
Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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