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Discover your container project in Virtual Reality.

At DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply, we now offer our customers a virtual reality review of our container projects. In connection with distanced meetings e.g. via telephone or video conferencing, you can experience a 1: 1 container layout via screen sharing. Thus, – without visiting us physically – you can have the experience of your container solution as well as the opportunity to interact with the interior in 3D.

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Discover your container project in Virtual Reality
Discover your container project in Virtual Reality
Discover your container project in Virtual Reality
Discover your container project in Virtual Reality

Virtual reality interaction with your custom-built container

At DC-Supply A/S, we offer our customers a virtual reality review of container projects. In connection with e.g. telephone or video conferencing, you can experience a 1: 1 container layout via screen sharing. Thus, – without visiting us physically – you can have both the experience of your container solution and the opportunity to interact with the interior in 3D.

In particular, we use virtual reality review to container projects in connection with solutions delivered around the world. Among other things we are currently building a larger mobile solution to be set up in Africa. Throughout the process of a project like this, the VR tool offers great benefits , both for the customer and for us. It takes our tailor-made solutions to a whole new level, when you as a customer have the opportunity to test and interact with your custom-built container solution during construction.

See pictures and a short video above for the introduction of the concept – in the video you see an example of a housing solution delivered to Greenland.

Please contact us for further information at either info@dc-supply.dk or phone +45 70 23 13 80 if you want to know more – or try it yourself.


Contact us - we are read to help.
Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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