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Mobile packing container.

Arla’s entry into new markets, including the African dairy markets, led to a number of challenges, for example, the lack of facilities.

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+45 70231380
Mobilt pakkeri container på lastbil
Mobilt pakkeri container teknikrum
Mobilt pakkeri container samlebånd

Mobile milk powder packing plants for Africa in custom-built containers

Uncertainty in the market and greater economic stakes required careful consideration.

A container solution with 3 x 40-ft high cube containers outfitted as a mobile milk powder packing facility, proved to be ideal for Arla. Specially designed and custom-built containers from DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply gave Arla a solution for their specific needs. In our in-house production, the containers were insulated and lined inside with vinyl to provide washable surfaces.

The containers were additionally provided with a technical room which included ventilation, laboratory, and staff facilities. After rebuilding they were re-certified and CSC-approved, so that they could be transported by container ship. The containers proved to be a convenient solution that could be set up fast.

Your contact person:

Jesper Ludvigsen

Jesper Ludvigsen

Key Account Manager


T:  +45 96 32 64 86
M: +45 40 80 98 82

Other production containers from DC-Supply A/S:

Wet room container

Wet room container

DC-Supply A/S custom builds 20 ft wet room containers for all types of tasks.


Contact us - we are read to help.
Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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