
DC-Supply A/S
Danish Container Supply
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Mobile technology container.

One of Aircold’s biggest challenges was finding something that could be adequately used as a removable technical house.

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+45 70231380
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Custom-built container for mobile technical room

The solution had to be adaptable to Aircold’s mobility requirements and easy to connect, at an affordable price.

DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply delivered customised 40-ft containers to Aircold. In this case, a ventilation system was designed with carvings and easily accessible pipes. After rebuilding, the container was re-certified for maritime freight.

DC-Supply’s custom-built container was a complete solution for Aircold’s needs. The container, which is custom built, was shipped to Eastern Europe and Aircold’s customers could attach the container to an existing building.

Your contact person:

Jesper Ludvigsen

Jesper Ludvigsen

Key Account Manager


T:  +45 96 32 64 86
M: +45 40 80 98 82

Other production containers from DC-Supply A/S:

Wet room container

Wet room container

DC-Supply A/S custom builds 20 ft wet room containers for all types of tasks.


Contact us - we are read to help.
Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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