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You are here: Home 5 Accommodation & residence 5 Container with toilet and shower – DCS 1012

Container with toilet and shower – DCS 1012.

At DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply, we manufacture robust and comfortable 10ft ISO containers with two separate toilets/showers.

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+45 70231380
Skurvogn 1012 åben
Skurvogn 1012 lukket
Skurvogn 1012 plan

Small, robust container with toilet and shower

This 10 ft ISO toilet container is particularly suitable for construction sites or in connection with events. The container is fitted with forklift pockets or sharp corners, allowing them to be moved by truck or crane, if necessary.  

  • Insulated 10ft container with two toilets/showers, each with a door area and exterior lighting
  • Built-in electrical box with 32 amp CEE plugs for intake and 32 amp outlet for series connection with multiple devices
  • 100 mm outlet and ¾” water connection
  • Suitable for events and/or on construction sites

Other changing rooms containers from DC-Supply A/S:


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