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Meteorological container.


20ft insulated ISO container designed as a communications center and weather station.

The meteorology container is a customised standard 20ft container that functions as a communications center and a weather station. The container is insulated with fire-retardant sandwich panels and divided into four areas: Office, storage, generator/technical room, and exterior cylinder storage. The office and stores have bright, durable vinyl floor. The office is fitted with computer workstations, radio racks, wall cabinets, and workbench. The storage area is fitted with shelf racks.

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Custom-built meteorological containers

The container gets its power through a built-in generator or through external power. The cylinder storage area has built-in outlets, plus it is designed to ensure the safe storage of cylinders during transportation.

  • Built-in crane for lifting cylinders and equipment
  • Efficient air conditioning for a comfortable storage and office environment
  • Airtight entrance platform and ladder.

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