
DC-Supply A/S
Danish Container Supply
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Meet us at the Ajour 2023 expo.

Ajour 2023

November 23-24, 2023, you can meet DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply at stand 4834 at the Ajour expo in Odense Congress Center.

Here, we are ready to show, tell and inspire about all the solutions that can be achieved in a custom-built container. At our 28 m2 exhibition stand, you also have the opportunity to see different samples of how to insulate a container.

Visit us at stand 4834

Come by stand 4834 in hall C, and take a look inside our container bar, where we will offer refreshments and sweets. Our experienced colleagues are ready to have a chat with you about all the possible (and impossible!) solutions that can be built in a container.

Ajour 2023 - OCC hall C, stand 4834

If you would like to know more or arrange a visit to our stand, where you can get more information about a specific type of container solution, contact us now and let’s set up an appointment:

+45 70231380
Container bar
Container bar

Other news from DC-Supply A/S:


Contact us - we are read to help.
Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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