
DC-Supply A/S
Danish Container Supply
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Container changing rooms.

The customer required staff facilities, changing rooms, a warehouse, and a laboratory.

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+45 70231380
Omklædningsrum ophold
Omklædningsrum plantegning

Fast delivery and set up of containers with changing rooms

The customer desired a simple and practical solution that could be quickly and easily established, and also fit in with their surroundings. The solution needed to be both relatively simple and affordable.

DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply delivered four 20ft High Cube containers as changing rooms. The containers are robust and built to withstand many years of use. They are easy to handle, easy to set up, and can be moved as needed. We have a fast delivery time of six weeks from the order date. The container was painted with high-classified paint, and it is covered with Hardie planks.

The building contains showers, changing facilities, a kitchen, laboratory, and warehouse. The building is supplied with electric heating, washing machines, dryers, and furniture.

Other accommodation containers from DC-Supply A/S:

40 ft accommodation/office container

40 ft accommodation/office container

Buy or rent an insulated 40-ft accommodation/office container at DC-Supply A/S. Can be used for office, canteen, meeting rooms etc. or converted into living space.


Contact us - we are read to help.
Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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