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You are here: Home 5 Offshore 5 Custom-built control room for winch

Custom-built control room with CSC-approval.

Rolls-Royce Marine needed special facilities that could serve as a control room to a winch on one of AP Moller Maersk’s ships

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Teknik container med CSC-godkendelse
Teknik container med CSC-godkendelse - eltavle
Teknik container med CSC-godkendelse indretning

Custom-built CSC-approved engineering container for offshore use

DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply  was hired by Rolls-Royce Marine A/S in Aalborg, which is part of Rolls-Royce Group. The task was to reconfigure a container so that it could serve as a control room to a winch on one of the AP Moller Maersk’s ships.

They needed a special solution that could be prepared on shore, transported by ship, and, at the same time, serve as a control room on the ship, which did not have the necessary facilities in advance.

DC-Supply A/S delivered a custom built 20ft ISO container with CSC-approval. The container was built as a machinery room with motors and control units for ships. Rolls-Royce Marine received a simple solution that could easily be moved, and which was approved for international shipping.

The container comes with either wooden or steel floors, and is CSC-approved for maritime freight. 

Your contact person:

Jesper Ludvigsen

Jesper Ludvigsen

Key Account Manager


T:  +45 96 32 64 86
M: +45 40 80 98 82

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Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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