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Generator container.

P.M. Energi A/S was commissioned to supply a generator plant for Greenland.

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Generator containere på række
Generator container forfra
Generator containere

CSC-approved custom-built container for generator installations in Greenland

Before P.M. Energi A/S could satisfy their customers, a few challenges emerged. Transportation to Greenland had to be safe and without unnecessary costs. A solution that could withstand the particular temperature and weather conditions that are characteristic of Greenland was required.

As a solution, P.M. Energi A/S decided to collaborate with DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply, who supplied them with eight custom-built containers, which had been prepared for the installation of P.M. Energy generator sets. By installing and assembling the generator plant inside a CSC-approved 20ft container, P.M. Energi A/S could safely transport the unit to Greenland.

Other Greenland containers from DC-Supply A/S:


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Your contact person:

Jesper Ludvigsen

Jesper Ludvigsen

Key Account Manager


T:  +45 96 32 64 86
M: +45 40 80 98 82