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You are here: Home 5 Accommodation 5 Homeless shelter in Nuuk

Homeless shelter in Nuuk.

When people in Nuuk, Greenland are without permanent address, they can find temporary housing in this shelter.

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Herberg i Nuuk
Herberg i Nuuk - soverum
Herberg i Nuuk - opholdsrum og køkken
Homeless Shelter in Nuuk

Custom-built container solution for homeless shelter

The shelter is intended for people without homes, who need be housed on a day-to-day basis. This requires that the shelter is equipped with the necessary facilities, and that these facilities are flexible and can easily adapt to changing circumstances.

DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply delivered three 20ft and six 40ft High Cube modular containers. The containers were connected to form a single unit. The containers were produced in our workshops in Nørresundby, before being shipped to Greenland. They have been covered with an insulating layer. The shelter is built according to Greenlandic construction regulations. 

The shelter has bedrooms, toilets, showers, a kitchen, a living room, a hallway with lockers for personal items, and a guard room. The shelter in Nuuk was set up in eight weeks, so that it could function as a home for the occupants and give them a secure day-to-day life.

Your contact person:

Jan Bager

Jan Bager

Sales Manager


T:  +45 96 32 64 04
M: +45 40 80 98 15

Other Greenland containers from DC-Supply A/S:


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