
DC-Supply A/S
Danish Container Supply
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Container for modular construction.

Modular containers can be used for a large variety of projects.

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+45 70231380
Modulbyggeri indkvartering
Modulbyggeri Genhusningscenter Nuuk
Modulbyggeri studieboliger

Flexible modular construction for residence and housing

DC-Supply A/S – Danish Container Supply has delivered accommodation solutions based on modular construction for many purposes, for example a homeless shelter in Nuuk in Greenland and an oil drilling project in Uganda. Neither the weather nor the geography puts an end to the use!

In Greenland we have delivered several residential and accommodation solutions based on modular construction. As the aforementioned hostel in Nuuk, where three 20-ft High Cube containers and six 40-foot High Cube containers are connected in series to a single unit. In Nuuk, we have also delivered a resettlement center with space and facilities for 36 people.

In addition, we have a ready-made concept for student housing. Here, the modular building is based on a mobile container solution for temporary set-up. Mobile solutions offer great flexibility, as the homes can easily be moved in case the areas have to be laid out for other purposes.

Container modules for all types of accommodation

Our flexible accommodation options have all the necessary facilities such as toilet, bath, kitchen and living room. The individual solution can be set up according to specific wishes and needs.

Modular construction with container modules from DC-Supply A/S provides an efficient and inexpensive solution when a need for turnkey, quality accommodation arises. We offer solutions for buying and renting standard modules at DC-Supply A/S, and they can all be assembled as needed.

Other accommodation containers from DC-Supply A/S:

Offshore Residential Rooms

Offshore Residential Rooms

DC-Supply A/S designed and delivered many residential, service, and welfare modules for Maersk rigs, such as cable installment and supply ships. All based on 20ft ISO containers specifically designed for shipping.


Contact us - we are read to help.
Our strong experienced team is ready to support and advise you with your next container project. Please get in touch, if you would like to know more.

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